iOS 6.1, released
My Exchange deployment is fairly small, 75 users.Even still, I took a look and was surprised just how fast our logs were growing. About 1/2 GB per hour with only 10-15 devices on iOS 6.1, and I'm not even sure all of them were causing the problem.
I decided to take this opportunity to see if I could use PowerShell to find a list of users with iOS devices running version 6.1. A quick search, and some simple filtering, and here's a one-liner that can be run from the Exchange Management Shell (EMS) in Exchange 2010. Note this cmdlet will not work in Exchange 2007.
Get-ActiveSyncDevice | Where-Object -FilterScript {$_.DeviceUserAgent -like "Apple*" -and $_.DeviceOS -like
"iOS 6.1 *"} | Sort-Object UserDisplayName | Format-Table DeviceType,DeviceOS,FriendlyName,UserDisplayName -AutoSize
I chose to sort by UserDisplayName, the best user-identifying field I could find on an Object returned by Get-ActiveSyncDevice, since some users have an iPad and iPhone. I'm sure someone with better PowerShell-fu could pipe this to something that would spit out a list of email addresses, or maybe even send out an email to upgrade.
This allowed me to inform only those users causing the problem, rather than the whole company. It also enabled me to easily verify once everyone had updated.
PowerShell rocks. Haven't used it? I strongly suggest checking out the following on Microsoft Virtual Academy:
- Getting Started With PowerShell 3.0 Jump Start
- Advanced Tools Scripting with PowerShell 3.0 Jump Start
The first series starts off a little slow for experienced command shell users, but these videos are well worth your time (as is learning PowerShell).
Woot! Its been a while since a post. That is pretty awesome...